O Arglwydd dyro fwy o flās

(Mwynhad a Nerth)
O! Arglwydd, dyro fwy o flās
  Ar wirioneddau mawr dy ras;
A golau pur yr Ysbryd Glān
  I dywys f'enaid gwan ymlaen.

A dyro nerth yn ōl y dydd
  I deithio glyn wylofain prudd;
Nes dod uwch cyrraedd
    byd a chnawd
  A holl elynion f'enaid tlawd.

Fy enaid paid a llwfrhau,
  Wrth wel'd gofidiau'n amlhau;
Fe dry dy Dduw y croesau blin,
  Ar ben y daith yn felus wīn.

Mi dro'f fy ngolwg tua'r bryn,
  Lle daeth i'm nerth
      wrth raid cyn hyn;
Nes delo 'r awr i fyned trwy,
  Na wela'i groes
      na thrallod mwy.
yr Ysbryd Glān :: dy Ysbryd Glān
A dyro :: O Duw, rho
Fe dry dy Dduw :: Fe dry fy Nuw
ben y daith :: ben dy daith

Thomas John 1838-1905

priodolwyd hefyd i | attributed also to
Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Casgliad David Jones, Treffynnon.

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Bream (<1875)
Breslau (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch c.1774)
Winchester (New) (Musikalisches Handbuch 1690)

gwelir: Fy enaid paid a llwfrhau

(Enjoyment and Strength)
O God, give more of a taste
  Of the great truths of thy grace;
And the pure light of the Holy Spirit
  To lead my weak soul onward.

And give strength after the day
  To travel the vale of sad lamentation;
Until coming above the reach
      of world and flesh
  And all the enemies of my poor soul.

My soul, stop being downhearted,
  On seeing griefs multiplying;
Thy God will turn the wearying crosses,
  At journey's end into sweet wine.

I will turn my sight towards the hill
  Where came to me strength
      in need before this;
Until the hour comes to go through,
  I will not see a cross
      or trouble any more.
the Holy Spirit :: thy Holy Spirit
And give :: O God, give
Thy God will turn :: My God will turn
thy journey's end :: the journey's end

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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